Privacy Policy
We respect your privacy.
Any and/or all the information collected on Boxeswala is strictly kept confidential and is not sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or lent to any third party. All the information about you is kept with utmost care and is not used in ways that you have not consented to. When you shop on Boxeswala we collect personal information about you like your name, date of birth, email, postal address, pin-code (zip code), telephone numbers, etc. which can be used for additional verification by us OR the Internet Payment Gateway/VISA/MASTER.
How we many use information.
General: We use your Collected Information to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to statistically analyze site usage, to improve our content and product offerings and to customize our Site’s content, layout and service specifically for you. We may use your Collected Information to service your Account with us, including but not limited to investigating problems, resolving disputes and enforcing agreements with us. We do not sell, rent, trade or exchange any personally-identifying information of our Members. We may share certain aggregate information based on analysis of Collected Information with our partners, customers, advertisers or potential Members. We may use your Collected Information to execute marketing campaigns, promotions or advertising messages on behalf of third parties; however, in these circumstances, your Collected Information will not be disclosed to such third parties unless you respond to the marketing, promotion or advertising message.
Registration Information: We may use your Registration Information to provide services that you request or to contact you regarding additional services about which Boxeswala determines that you might be interested. Specifically, we may use your email address, mailing address, phone number or fax number to contact you regarding notices, surveys, product alerts, new service or product offerings and communications relevant to your use of our Site. We may generate reports and analysis based on the Registration Information for internal analysis, monitoring and marketing decisions.
Statistical Information: We use Statistical Information to help diagnose problems with and maintain our computer servers, to manage our Site, and to enhance our Site and services based on the usage pattern data we receive. We may generate reports and analysis based on the Statistical Information for internal analysis, monitoring and marketing decisions. We may provide Statistical Information to third parties, but when we do so, we do not provide personally-identifying information without your permission.
Changes to Privacy Policy
Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated through our posting an amended and restated Privacy Policy on our Site. Our posting the amended and restated Privacy Policy will make such new Privacy Policy immediately effective. You agree that all Collected Information (whether or not collected prior to or after the new policy became effective) will be governed by the newest Privacy Policy then in effect. If you do not agree to the new changes in our Privacy Policy, you should contact Boxeswala in writing and specifically request that DCG Tech India return and/or destroy all copies of all or part of your Collected Information in Boxeswala possession.
Correcting Your Information
You can access, view and edit your Registration Information and Publishing Information (if any) through your Account with Boxeswala.
Your feedback
Boxeswala welcomes your continuous input regarding our Privacy Policy or our services provided to you. You may send us your comments and responses to
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